
Why us?

・Easy operation using PC mouse
・No.1 in Japan: variety of micromanipulator accessories
・No.1: Sample pretreatment share
 ※ Analytical sample pretreatment market share using micromanipulators

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2μm foreign particles can be easily transferred to an analytical disk for analysis

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An ultrafine probe that Can capture 2-5μm size substances

Tungsten probeFT-IR MicroscopeRaman MicroscopeSEMread more

Grasp and forcibly collect samples that are difficult to pick up

Microtweezer Tool SetFT-IR MicroscopeRaman MicroscopeXRDread more

Tungsten probe of less than <1μm that effectively peels off objects as small as several μm.

Tungsten probeFT-IR MicroscopeSEMChemicalread more

Foreign objects can be sampled by scraping or shaving only the adhered foreign substances without destroying the base material

Micro PeelerFT-IR MicroscopeSEMElectrical componentread more

Capable of cutting small protrusions and exposing embedded objects on the cutting surface

Ruby KnifeFT-IR MicroscopeSEMElectrical componentread more

Thick samples can be crushed to increase the area or make them thinner

Micro Press ToolFT-IR MicroscopeChemicalread more

Axis Pro is applicable for deburr without making any damages on the base material.

Micro PeelerElectrical componentAutomobileread more
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